Curriculum topic: Study of Greek life and their influence on the western world
Who were the ancient Greeks? With voice-overs, fun facts and interactive games to help children build essential knowledge of ancient history. Find out what life was like in Ancient Greece, learn about the Olympics, Greek mythology and much more. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: The Roman Empire and its impact
Who were the ancient Romans? With voice-overs, fun facts and interactive games to help build essential knowledge of ancient history . Find out what life was like in Ancient Rome, learn about The Roman Empire, The Gladiators, write your age using Roman numerals and more. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Help children understand that there are number systems other than decimal
Children in KS2 are expected to read and write Roman numerals as part of the 2014 primary curriculum. This app can help discover Roman numerals with a range of activities and step-by-step tutorials. Roman numerals and Romans numbers are a number system developed by the ancient Romans. It remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. A great app to Learn about different numeral system and develop the critical thinking and understanding of arithmetics. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Who were the Vikings and what was their impact on Britain?
National Curriculum for History / Key Stage 2 recommended teaching "the Viking and Anglo-Saxon". Who Were The Vikings? Wiith voice-overs, fun facts and interactive games to help c build essential knowledge about the scandinavian raiders. Find out what life was like in Viking times, build your own Longship, write your name using the ancient Runic alphabet and learn about Viking raids! Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Charting the origins of Viking writing and learning about the Viking alphabet
An Activity app that children can work through to practise and play with writing or spelling Runes. The “Viking Alphabet” is also know as Runes, Runic alphabet or Futhark. The system of writing was used by the Vikings, Anglo-Saxon and Nordic people before the creation of the Latin alphabet. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic:
Key Stage 2 History and geography subject areas of the Victorian curriculum.
Who Were The Victorians? Wwith voice-overs, fun facts and interactive features to help children build essential knowledge of the Victorian era. Find out about daily life in Victorian Britain, follow the timeline and learn about the British Empire as well as the Industrial revolution. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Significant people from history: inventors, pioneers, artists, scientists, explorers, KS1 History
From the Vikings to modern-day astronauts, human beings have always set their sights on exploring new territories! Explorers make journeys into the unknown to discover new things and document their findings. Find out about the lives of significant individuals from the past who have contributed to exceptional achievements, discoveries and how they changed the way people viewed the world. Discover the lives of the most famous seafarers, polar explorers, mountaineers, and astronauts! The game includes voice-overs, history timeline, interactive maps and historical fun facts. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Introduce knowledge and understanding of the First World War and the Peace Settlement
How did the First World War start and why? What was it like being a soldier in the trenches? What did it mean to go over the top?
Specially designed for children of 9 years and up, this application aims to :
- Develop a child's knowledge and understanding of history - Provide key facts and events to consolidate classroom learning - Curriculum Key Stage 2/3 History.
Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.

Curriculum topic: Chronology of great inventions and famous inventors that changed history.
Who invented the Alphabet ? The first plane? The steam engine ? Who first used water power? From the discovery of fire to space exploration, learn about the inventions and discoveries that have made history! Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Art History. Looking and questioning man-made creations.
Art History For Kids introduces young readers to the art world's most famous painters, styles, and periods!
Each historical section begins with an audio narrative summarizing the events and includes animations, interactive clues and fun facts. An interactive timeline allows the child to travel back and forward in time. Historical periods are organized thematically and chronologically from the ancient world through the 20th century. App also includes a 'draw your own' masterpiece game!. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic: Dinosaur Fossils. Knowledge of the past and the earth's 3.5-billion-year history
Learn all about dinosaurs and fossils! Great fun for junior palaeontologists to dig-up dinosaur bones and assemble their skeletons. The game includes 12 dinosaurs to assemble. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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Curriculum topic:KS1, KS2 History revision quiz
Do you know your ancient from your modern? Your Romans from your Greeks? Your Great War from your Cold War?
Test your knowledge of history across 100+ fun, historical, challenging and trivial questions.. Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon appstore.
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